I’m passionate about helping you succeed in your career

Meet Keki

A few years ago, I moved to the Netherlands from South Africa to pursue a Master’s degree in Work and Organizational Psychology at Tilburg University. After graduating, I had a year to find a job that would sponsor my visa in the Netherlands. I didn’t speak Dutch nor did I have a professional network to lean on, so like many newcomers, I struggled. 
It was my dream to work in Europe so giving up wasn’t an option. As I expanded my professional network and better defined my passion, I landed a series of lucrative positions in Talent Acquisition at leading global companies. 
At Expat Career Development, I want to share the many lessons I learned with expats who are keen to enter a new international job market and to best position themselves to potential employers.
Are you ready to start a new stage in your career? 

Over 90% of my clients have successfully progressed in their careers

I’ve worked with clients from 32 countries around the world with all backgrounds